The Mark Master Mason Degree is available to all who have attained the rank of Master Mason. This ritual, in which a candidate is ‘advanced’, essentially consists of two parts: the first recognizes the individual as a Mark Man, and the second elevates him to a Mark Master Mason. The “Mark” referenced in the Degree’s name originates from the unique symbol or sign that stonemasons historically used to identify their craftsmanship, examples of which are still visible in cathedrals and other significant structures.
History and ritual
Much use is made of Holy Writ to instruct the Candidate and Brethren in the story which serves to teach that the real message is one of contemplation of human strengths and weaknesses. In chronological terms, the Degree follows that of the Second Degree in Craft masonry. There is reputedly some evidence that the Degree is 400 years old, but the earliest English records stem from 1769 when it was first worked in Chapter of Friendship, Royal Arch Chapter No. 257 (formerly No. 3) in Portsmouth. However, a minute book dated 1599 of the Lodge of Edinburgh states that several speculative brethren had appended their marks after their names.

The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons held its inaugural meeting on Monday, June 23, 1856.
Which is the regalia in this Order?
Members of this Order wear specific regalia, including an apron and a breast jewel. The apron, crafted from white kid leather, features a triangular flap bordered with light blue and crimson-edged ribbon, along with rosettes in matching colours. For Masters and Past Masters, these rosettes are replaced with silver levels. The jewel is a keystone suspended from a ribbon mirroring the apron’s colours, bearing a mallet and chisel—tools symbolic of the Order. This keystone, marked with distinct characters, plays a central role in the Degree’s ceremony.

The Mark degree, focusing on the keystone of the sacred arch of King Solomon, provides a comprehensive understanding of the interconnections between the Solomonic degrees: Craft, Mark, Holy Royal Arch, Royal & Select Masters and other orders. The beautifully written ritual teaches lessons of hope and encouragement, having confidence in the quality of one’s own work and of the advantages of perseverance. The dramatic and yet friendly ceremony illustrates that the wisest can be mistaken, that experts are often wrong, that the most insignificant has the potential for distinction and that we all have significant part to play in building the temple. The individual’s perspective: ‘Make your Mark’ For many, it is the first move beyond the Craft and can offer a different group of people to meet and from whom to learn, thereby widening a brother’s Masonic knowledge and circle of friends.
It provides a gateway to other Masonic orders. Mark Masons are enthusiastic Freemasons and extremely welcoming; there are shorter lines of communication with friendly and approachable executives. Amongst Mark Masons you will always find friends, which is why it is known as ‘the friendly degree’. The ritual and ceremonial offer opportunities for participation to all from the day a brother joins; the candidate is not merely led round the lodge room but increasingly takes an active, central role. Mark Masonry offers progression and growth for a greater proportion of Freemasons, with a very real opportunity to showcase their qualities and enhance their enjoyment of Masonry as a whole.